Uni Auto Parts is awarded the 2020 National Enterprise Environmental Award

Environmental Protection Agency has expanded the National Enterprise Environmental Award in 2020. After preview run, review run and final selection, UNI AUTO PARTS is awarded the 2020 National Enterprise Environmental Award.  General Manager Allan YANG is invited to the Presidential Palace to receive President Tsai Ing-wen's commendation. President Tsai expressed her high affirmation and gratitude to the winning company and hoped that the government and industry elites in various fields would work together to contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development!


UNI AUTO PARTS continue promote environmental protection such as holding green environmental protection lectures, participating in beach cleaning & street cleaning , plastic reduction activities, second-hand clothing recycling charity sale, adoption of public toilets, resource recycling creative competition, low-carbon diet, environmental protection sacrifices, environmental education Etc.


We also promote various environmental protection activities, enhance colleagues' environmental protection concept and introduce all member into daily family life. We hopes to make continuous efforts to move towards a green factory through step by step. In the spirit of combining environmental sustainability and hand in hand, we will do our part for our environment and our planet to make the world a better place.

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